The room next door

Genre: Drama

Length: 107 minút (01:47)

Premiere: 5. December 2024

Country of origin: United states of America, Spain

Accessibility: Suitable for 15-year-olds and over

Director: Pedro Almodóvar (Spain) • Scenario: Pedro Almodóvar (Spain), Sigrid Nunez • Camera: Eduard Grau • Producer: Agustín Almodóvar • Music: Alberto Iglesias • Cast: Julianne Moore, Tilda Swinton, John Turturro (United states of America), Alex Høgh Andersen, Alessandro Nivola, Esther McGregor, Juan Diego Botto, Melina Matthews, Victoria Luengo, Raúl Arévalo, Sarah Demeestere


Ingrid (Julianne Moore) a Martha (Tilda Swinton) sú blízke priateľky z mladosti, kedy spolu pracovali v rovnakom časopise. Po rokoch odlúčenia sa opäť stretávajú v trochu extrémnej, ale podivne milej situácii.


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